For this exercise I have tried to find subjects that are predominately light or dark to see how much exposure compensation I will have to apply to obtain a true representation of the object in front of the camera.
White Flower, + 1 Stop Compensation |
I have added + 1 stop of exposure compensation to the above image, this was enough to give me a true white on the petals, any more than this and I began to lose detail in the white areas.
Pestle & Mortar, - 2 Stops Compensation |
Mainly consisting of black and grey this image had to be under exposed by a full 2 stops to give a true representation.
Keyboard, + 1 Stop |
This image has + 1 stop of compensation, above this the bright edges of the keys began to burn out.
I Pod, - 1.3 Stops |
This picture was taken outside under an overcast sky, which has provided the perfect light for this type of image. I have under exposed by 1.3 stops to get a nice deep black on the central dial.
Arum Lily Leaves, - 1 Stop |
The above image is different from the proceeding pictures in that I have under exposed it by 1 stop for artistic reasons. I achieved a correct exposure without compensation, but the image was a bit flat, by under exposing, the interior of the plant has gone into shadow and the highlighted edges of the leaves are brought to the fore. The effect of this is to give the picture some depth and allows the rhythms of the leaves edges to show.
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