Thursday, 12 May 2011


I originally thought that I would collect some items together and make some patterns of my own to photograph, but everything I tried appeared contrived. Therefore I decided to venture out and see what patterns I could find in my local area. The first thing I came across was a cast iron drain cover, I was drawn to it because unlike most drain covers the pattern is not regular.
Drain Cover
    I have converted the image to black and white to simplify it and draw attention to the pattern. Because the pattern is irregular it reminds me of a view through a microscope, as the pattern goes beyond the limits of the frame there are no terms of reference as to size. Also because of the irregularity the image is less static than some patterns because it has less rhythm.

Soup Cans
  The image above was found in my local co-op, I had to rearrange some of the cans, which raised some eyebrows in the shop. I was drawn to the obvious Warholesque association of the cans and it also has a certain deadpan feel. The pattern has much more of a rhythm than the drain cover picture, I tried cropping the shelves out but the cans became too large and became subjects rather than a pattern.

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