For this exercise my first inclination was to head straight for plants and flowers, but as I had pictured these for my second assignment I tried to avoid using them again, but in the end I had to use them for some of the colours. Finding pure colours occurring naturally in the environment takes more time than you would think especially violet.
1/2 a Stop Under Exposed |
Normal Exposure
1/2 a Stop Over Exposed |
I found abandoned trailer at the side of the A12 in Essex, it had been used as a cafe in the past, so it has a certain amount of local historical interest. Out of the three pictures the one that is under exposed is closest to the blue in the colour circle, blue subjects were quite hard to find unless you used the sky or reflections of the sky.
1/2 a Stop Under Exposed |
Normal Exposure |
1/2 A Stop Over Exposed |
I found this complete field of poppies growing where the farmer had left his field fallow for several years, it was a great sight. I have found that if I over expose red subjects that I tend to lose detail in the brighter areas, out of these three picture the under exposed one is once again the nearest to the red in the circle.
1/2 a Stop Under Exposed |
Normal Exposure |
1/2 a Stop Over Exposed |
Because yellow is the brightest of the colours the cameras' meter will tend to under expose it as it is lighter than a mid tone. Therefore the over exposed one of these three images is closest to a true yellow, the under exposed image is too dark to be a true yellow.
1/2 a Stop Under Exposed |
Normal Exposure |
1/2 a Stop Over Exposed |
Violet is the rarest of the colours to find, I could only really find it in its true form in flowers, out of these three, once again the under exposed image is the closest to the colour circle.
1/2 a Stop Under Exposed |
Normal Exposure |
1/2 a Stop Over Exposed |
This grass was very well watered and was therefore a very bright green, the closest to its true state is the normal exposure, but the closest to the colour circle is once again the under exposed one. I normally use grass as a mid tone if I need a reference whilst photographing.
1/2 a Stop Under Exposed |
Normal Exposure |
1/2 a Stop Over Exposed |
Because orange is a mixture of red and yellow, it appears to need a lighter exposure to match the colour circle, I think that the the normal exposure is the closest match, although I prefer the brightness of the over exposed image.
This has been an interesting and surprisingly tricky exercise and I feel quite disheartened that I had to resort to flowers again to complete it.
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